
Sequelize comes with some handy utils including references tolodashas well as some individual helpers. You can access them viaSequelize.Utils.


You can access all the methods of lodash like this:

Sequelize.Utils._.each(/* ... */)
Sequelize.Utils._.map(/* ... */)

Also Sequelize ships the Underscore extensionunderscore.string, which allows nifty string manipulation:

Sequelize.Utils._.camelize('something') // Something

Check out the page of LodashUnderscore and underscore.string for further information.


Because you will want to save/create/delete several items at once and just go on after all of them are saved, Sequelize provides theQueryChainermodule. It can be used like this:

var chainer = new Sequelize.Utils.QueryChainer
chainer.add(/* Query | EventEmitter */)

And a real world example:

var chainer = new Sequelize.Utils.QueryChainer
var Task    = sequelize.define('Task', /* ... */)
for(var i = 0; i < 20; i++)

It is also possible to force a serial run of the query chainer by using the following syntax:

new Sequelize.Utils.QueryChainer()
  .add(Model, 'function', [param1, param2])
  .add(Model, 'function2', [param1, param2])
  .success(function() { /* no problems :) */ })
  .error(function(err) { /* hmm not good :> */ })
// and with options:
new Sequelize.Utils.QueryChainer()
  .add(Model, 'function', [param1, param2], {
    // Will be executed before Model#function is called
    before: function(model) {},
      Will be executed after Model#function was called
      and the function emitted a success or error event.
      If the following success option is passed, the function
      will be executed after the success function.
    after: function(migration) {},
    // Will be executed if Model#function emits a success event.
    success: function(migration, callback) {}
  // skipOnError: don't execute functions once one has emitted an failure event.
  .runSerially({ skipOnError: true })
  .success(function() { /* no problems :) */ })
  .error(function(err) { /* hmm not good :> */ })

If the success callbacks of the added methods are passing values, they can be utilized in the actualsuccessmethod of the query chainer:

  var tasks = results[0]
  var team = results[1]
© Sascha Depold, et al. 2006 - 2022