A time column.

Fallback policy: If the dialect does not support this type natively, it will be replaced by a string type, and a CHECK constraint to enforce a valid ISO 8601 time format.


Hierarchy (View Summary)



options: TimeOptions
usageContext: undefined | DataTypeUseContext

Where this DataType is being used.


  • Called when a value is retrieved from the Database, and its DataType is specified. Used to normalize values from the database.

    Note: It is also possible to do an initial parsing of a Database value using AbstractDialect#registerDataTypeParser. That normalization uses the type ID from the database instead of a Sequelize Data Type to determine which parser to use, and is called before this method.


    • value: unknown

      The value to parse.

    Returns unknown

  • Converts a JS value to a value compatible with the connector library for this Data Type. Unlike escape, this value does not need to be escaped. It is passed separately to the database, which will handle escaping.


    • value: string

      The value to convert.

    Returns unknown